IntroCG/BAm7CGF2GCVerse 1CCBAmCGF Almighty Creator You spoke and there was lightGCCG/B There was light and by Your great PowerAmCGFGC You spoke and there was day and there was nightAmGFC And You made all things to show Your GloryAmGF Formed all things to bring You praiseChorusFGCAnd You've created me to worship YouFGCAnd You've created me to love YouFGCD7And You have made me to delight in YouFGCAll glory to Your NameVerse 2C The mountains the oceans AmCGF All creatures great and smallGCCG/B In the earth all nations all peoplesAmCGFGC Of all colors came to be by Your WordAmGFC And You shed Your Blood for our salvationAmGF So You could make us anew[Chorus]EndingG/BAmCGF2GCC