Verse 1
Bb                   Gm               Cm7 Cm Bb Fsus F
Go ye therefore and teach all nations, go, go,  go
Cm7                  Eb F     F       Bb2 Cm7 Bb/D Bb Cm7 Bb/D
Go ye therefore and teach all nations, go, go, go
Eb                 Bb/D              Gm7 Cm7     Cm Bb Ab
Baptizing them in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Ghost
Bb F Eb F Bb F Eb F Fsus F
Go,  go,  go

Verse 2
Bb               Gm             Cm7 Cm Bb Fsus F
If you love Me, really love Me, feed My  sheep
Cm7             Eb F    F       Bb2  Cm7 Bb/D Bb Cm7 Bb/D
If you love Me, really love Me, feed My sheep
Eb                  Bb/D
Lo, I'll be with you forever and ever
Gm7 Cm7    Cm Bb       Ab  Bb F Eb F Bb
Un- til the end of the world; go, go,  go

Verse 3
Bb    Gm            Cm7    Cm Bb Fsus F          
Ehele a a oukou, E ho' ohaumana Aku
Cm7        Eb F     F
I na lahuikanaka A-Pau
     Bb2       Cm7       Bb/D Bb Cm7 Bb/D
Hele Aku, Hele Aku, Hele Aku
Eb                 Bb/D              Gm7 Cm7    Cm Bb Ab
Baptizing them in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Ghost
Cm7 Bb/D Eb Bb F Eb F Bb F  Eb F Cm7 Bb/D Eb      
 He said   to   Go,  go,  go