Verse 1CFI have no one in heaven but YouCFI want nothing on earth besides YouDm7DmCG/BDm7DmCG/BFor You alone are holy, Lord, You alone are holyVerse 2CFI have no one in heaven but YouCFI want nothing on earth besides YouDm7DmCG/BDm7DmCG/BFor You alone are holy, for You alone are trustworthyChorusGCC/ESo I will sing my praise to YouFGFor You are good, You are trueCC/ENo earthly thing compares to YouFGCAlways faithful, ever loving mighty GodBridgeFCFCAnd no one gives me life like You doFCFCNo one gives me peace like You doFCFCNo one gives me grace like You doFCFGNo one gives me hope like You