Verse 1
          C          Am7 B    Am Am7
It's Your blood that cleanses me,
          F                   G
It's Your blood that gives me life,
          F                  G
It's Your blood that took my place,
     C       Em7  Am  Am7 G
In redeeming sacrifice
       F Fm               C   G/B
Washes me whiter than the snow,
         Am   Am7 G
Than the snow.
   Dm7          Dm7 G    F G G C
My Jesus, God's precious sacrifice.

C Am7 G A F/A G A
Am7 G C F F G A

Verse 2
          D          Bm7 C#   Bm Bm7
It's Your blood that cleanses me,
          G                   A
It's Your blood that gives me life,
          G                  A
It's Your blood that took my place,
     D       F#m7 Bm  Bm7 A
In redeeming sacrifice
       G Gm               D   A/C#
Washes me whiter than the snow,
         Bm   Bm7 A
Than the snow.
   Em7          Em7 A    G A A D
My Jesus, God's precious sacrifice.