Em   C   G   G   D/F#           

Verse 1
     Em        C              G
O behold, the mystery now unfolds
D/F#     Em     C                    G 
 See the star shine on the virgin foretold
D/F#     C                     G 
 Angels sing and light up the sky
            D                 Em 
Hope rings out in a newborn's cry
       A       Asus         A      C    
Swing wide, you ancient gates for Christ is born today

   G          D       Em      C 
Prepare Him room, prepare Him room
         G      D           Em  C 
Let the King of Glory enter in

Verse 2
         Em       C                  G 
God with us, the promise has come to be
D/F#       Em        C                    G 
 This, the one the prophets were longing to see 
D/F#    C                   G
 In the darkness a blazing light
        D                  Em 
To the hungry the words of life
      A     Asus      A     C   
His kingdom now is near for those with ears to hear

Verse 3
           Em      C             G 
Oh, our hearts, as busy as Bethlehem
D/F#      Em           C                            G
 Hear Him knock, don't say there's no room in the inn
D/F#         C                 G 
Through the cradle, cross and grave
         D               Em 
See the love of God displayed
          A    Asus        A
Now He's risen and He reigns 
Praise the Name above all names