E             C#m7
Taste and see the Lord is good,
Asus                 A2
Good to those who hunger after him;
E                   C#m7
Drink and be filled from the living well
Asus                     A2
And Never a thirst again, never thirst again
E            C#m7  Asus              A
taste and see      the lord is good; he's been 

good to me.

A/F#              Asus  Bsus
Jesus is the bread of   life
A/F#              A2         Bsus
Broken and poured out for us;
A/F#                        A2    Bsus
And because of his great sacrifice
A/F#              A          Bsus
We can know the fathers love.

E             C#m7
Taste and see the Lord is good,
Asus                 A2
Good to those who hunger after him;
E                   C#m7
Drink and be filled from the living well
Asus                     A2
And Never a thirst again, never thirst again
E            C#m7  Asus              A
taste and see      the lord is good; he's been 

good to me.