      E        B        A2
Your name is above all names.
      E        B        A2         
Your name is above all names.
        E     B             C#m B A2            
We cry holy, holy is the Lamb.
         E     B             C#m B A2             
 We cry holy, holy is the Lamb. 
      E        B        A2
Your name is above all names.

            D          A          G2             
Teach our hearts to sing Your praise,
        D        A           G2
Father God, the Ancient of Days.
            D                A        
Your only Son, You sent to die;
        Em B Bm   A  G2
Your name   we glorify,
          D         A     F#m7 B B
And our hearts forever sing.

       E       B         E2
Your name is above all names.