F C  F C

Verse 1
          F        C
What can wash away my sin
          F            C
What can make me whole again
          F                 C
What can make me white as snow
Dm7              F       C
Nothing but Your royal blood

Verse 2
          F                  C
What can heal the heart of stone
          F            C
What can resurrect these bones
           F              C
There's no other fount I know
Dm7               F      C
Nothing but Your royal blood
Dm7               F      C
Nothing but Your royal blood

Chorus 1
     F          C      G        Am7
Your blood will never lose its power
     F          C      G  
Your blood will never lose
     F     C       G       Am7
Your victory will stand forever
     F     G           Am7 F C Am7 F C[to  chorus C]
Your blood will never lose

Verse 3
Am       F         C
This was won upon the cross
Am       F           C
This was written on His scars
Am        F             C
This has made us conquerors
Dm7               F     C
Nothing but Your royal blood
Dm7               F     C
Nothing but Your royal blood

[Chorus 1]

[Chorus 1]

Tag 1
            Am7 C F C C Am7 C F C C 
Will never loose

C                  F   C
Now by this we'll overcome
G                 F          C
Now by this we'll reach our home
Am7               F        C
Now our sin and shame are gone
Dm7           F      C    
Only by Your royal blood

Tag 2
Dm7           F      C    
Only by Your royal blood

Chorus 2
     G           D     A        Bm7
Your blood will never lose its power
     G           D     A
Your blood will never lose
      G    D       A       Bm7
Your victory will stand forever
     G      A          Bm7  
Your blood will never lose

Tag 3
     G      A          Bm7
Your blood will never lose
      G     A          Bm7 G D  A Bm7 G D
Your blood will never lose

Tag 4
D           G   D               G        D
 Oh we are overcomers, by the blood of Jesus
          G    D               G        D
Oh we are overcomers, by the blood of Jesus
Whatever Satan has to say
Whatever the enemy throws my way
       G    D               G        Bm
We are overcomers, by the blood of Jesus
Sing like overcomers

D                  G   D
Now by this we'll overcome
A                 G          D
Now by this we'll reach our home
Bm7               G        D
Now our sin and shame are gone
Bm7           G      D    
Only by Your royal blood
Bm7           G      D   
Only by Your royal blood